
Friday, February 3, 2012

Our Storybook House

Starting a business is never easy.   After six months of preparing for the business (i.e. forming a sole proprietorship, drawing up business contracts, getting legal/tax advice, insurance liability coverage, etc.) I am ready to go.  Only now the actual 'work' begins of networking and getting referrals for my interior redesign and home staging services.

In the meantime, I thought you might like to see the custom home building journey my husband and I recently completed.  Our sales lady calls our home 'The Storybook House' and hence it is!


Jodie Okun Interiors said...

mary...your house is so pretty!! i loooove those floors...they look amazing! good luck with your business:) its going to be great! xoxo jodie

Unknown said...

Thanks Jodine!! (I can just hear Wanda calling you that!! aha) Sounds like your business is doing well and keeping you happy! Ava and Ethan are soooo adorable!! Take Care!!!